With the evolution of economic development and the changes it wrought on livelihood, employees are becoming more aware of their status, and more concerned about their professional development. Also, more employees seek reward and recognition for their loyalty, and affirmation that they are valued by their employers. It is important that a company or employer invests in the continuous professional development of their human resource. Recognition makes employees feel empowered and motivated, and leads to a boost in performance.

According to a survey conducted by LinkedIn, 94% of employees stated that they would commit to staying at a company longer if the company invested in their development. Investing in the development of employees is good for the growth of the company; the more the employees learn, the more they apply to make the company grow.

Training is the action of teaching a person a particular skill or type of behaviour, and in corporate circles, it is a system of activities designed to enhance the skills and capacities of employees. This equips employees with the knowledge and skills they need to perform their assigned tasks and responsibilities, and do so excellently.

Corporate training is mutually beneficial for the employer and employee, because, by equipping the employee, the employer, in turn, facilitates the success of the business. The main objective of public relations is to build mutually-beneficial relationships with the publics, which includes both internal (employees) and external publics. Satisfied employees communicate a positive image of the brand, and serve as ambassadors for creating a good brand image and supporting the brand reputation. Any organization aiming at portraying a good image needs to have public relations training for its internal publics (employees), and also have training in other corporate areas relating to their business. This will equip the employees to perform their assignments well, and exude positive attitudes for the benefit of the brand and its image.

In large organisations, there is a unit for Training and Development, and in smaller companies, the Human Resources unit is tasked with training. The unit is required to identify training needs and topics, and organise training programmes for employees, or find relevant training sessions and arrange for them to attend.

Training programmes need to be properly designed and customized to your business to make them relevant and improve efficiency. This will impact employee performance and ultimately, the performance of the company.

Our training sessions encourage interactive group activities, and employ interesting presentations and customized examples to make learning easier and more relevant. Contact Origin8, Ghana’s only true integrated marketing communications company, with your corporate training needs.